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Carbon Emission Study

Brighton, Michigan

Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority

The buyer seeks proposals for developing a comprehensive carbon measurement report. This report will establish baseline data on carbon storage within the buyer's natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions from operations. The study will cover natural resources, facilities, fleet, and equipment throughout the 13-park system. The consultant will provide a detailed report with findings and recommendations for reducing the buyer's carbon footprint.

  • 7/25/2024 - Issue Date
  • 8/8/2024 - Question Deadline
  • 8/22/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Establish carbon storage baseline for natural resources
  • Assess carbon emissions from prescribed burns and debris burning
  • Calculate emissions reduction potential from no-mow areas
  • Establish baseline carbon emissions for fleet and equipment
  • Assess carbon emission reduction potential from transitioning to electric fleet
  • Establish baseline carbon emissions for facilities and structures
  • Provide comprehensive report with executive summary, methodology, and recommendations
  • Analyze fuel consumption, vehicle types, and usage patterns
  • Identify emissions tracking software or tools
  • Quantify carbon storage in park ecosystems

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