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IT Master Plan

Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas

City of Fair Oaks Ranch

The buyer seeks a firm to provide an Information Technology Master Plan for the City. The plan should develop a 5-year strategy for the entire IT enterprise, analyzing data utilization and NIST CSF v2.0 compliance. The project includes assessing current standards, performing internal/external assessments, developing IT goals and objectives, and providing annual reviews and updates. The buyer requires CJIS certification for project team members and execution of a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

  • 11/20/2024 - Deadline for written questions
  • 12/2/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • Maintain Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) certification and compliance throughout the project
  • Provide evidence of insurability as detailed in Exhibit A
  • Perform internal/external assessment across statutory requirements, IT operations, and security
  • Analyze City's compliance with municipal, state, and federal regulations
  • Provide recommendations for IT infrastructure, software, and services
  • Develop 5-year IT goals and 3-5 year measurable objectives
  • Create 1-2 year project plan with cost estimates
  • Conduct annual review of plan performance
  • Provide annual project plan updates with cost estimates
  • Analyze alignment of IT goals with City's Strategic Plan
  • Assess and recommend improvements for Disaster Recovery and Continuity of Operations Plans
  • Analyze recent vulnerability assessment and provide recommendations

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