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Owner's Representative Services for New Kenton County Park Development

Covington, Kentucky

Kenton County Fiscal Court

The buyer seeks an Owner's Representative to oversee the development of a new 225-acre county park. The project involves updating a master plan, managing design and construction teams, and coordinating all aspects from inception to completion. The buyer requires assistance with public engagement, budget management, scheduling, and integrating the new park with existing county parks through cohesive branding and wayfinding strategies.

  • 10/7/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
  • 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Assist in updating the master plan and participate in public engagement
  • Manage project timeline, budget, and coordinate all project team members
  • Oversee bidding process and contract negotiations
  • Develop wayfinding and branding strategy integrating existing parks
  • Conduct comprehensive needs assessment for existing county parks
  • Monitor construction progress and ensure quality control
  • Manage risk and ensure contract compliance throughout the project
  • Coordinate approvals and permits with state and local agencies
  • Develop and maintain detailed project schedule and budget
  • Submit regular progress reports and present updates to Fiscal Court

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