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Marketing Consultant: Statewide Behavioral Health Services Campaign

Richmond, VA

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

The buyer seeks a marketing consultant to develop and implement a statewide campaign promoting public behavioral health services in Virginia. The campaign will include a marketing strategy, paid media advertising, a dynamic website landing page, video production, and social media assets. The buyer aims to create cohesive messaging that can be used at both state and local levels to maximize awareness of available services.

  • 10/1/2024 - Optional Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop marketing strategy for public behavioral health services campaign
  • Create dynamic landing page on DBHDS website with interactive resource map
  • Produce video promoting statewide behavioral health services
  • Develop social media assets aligned with campaign theme
  • Implement paid statewide media campaign for 8-24 weeks
  • Design standardized marketing materials for local and statewide use
  • Align campaign with existing Virginia 988 and Curb the Crisis initiatives

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