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Consulting for Allergen and Dietary Services

Richmond, Virginia

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education

Buyer seeks to develop a comprehensive food allergy management toolkit for Virginia school nutrition professionals. The contractor will create content on allergen management strategies, dietary accommodations, and curriculum resources. Buyer requires expert consulting services from a qualified contractor specializing in both school nutrition and allergen management. The toolkit will be used to provide training to school divisions and communicate best practices for student allergen management.

  • 10/4/2024 - Issue Date
  • 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/30/2025 - Contract End Date
  • Active credentials as Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and/or Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Minimum three years experience working with school/child nutrition programs
  • Minimum three years experience with food allergies and dietary accommodations in schools
  • Documented evidence of previous production of school/child nutrition resources and/or toolkits
  • Develop comprehensive food allergy management toolkit
  • Create content for allergen management strategies
  • Design curriculum-based education resources on allergens
  • Provide consultation and collaboration with VDOE-SCNP
  • Ensure toolkit is 508 compliant and aligns with VDOE branding

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