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2024 Urban Forest Inventory & Management Plan

Hermiston, Oregon

City of Hermiston

The buyer is seeking a qualified consulting firm to provide professional services for a comprehensive tree inventory and Urban Forest Management Plan update. The project involves inventorying approximately 2,000 city street and park trees, documenting tree information, and developing an updated Urban Forest Management Plan. The consultant will work closely with the Parks and Recreation Department to complete the project. The buyer aims to manage a sustainable future for its urban forest through this comprehensive inventory and management plan.

  • 10/18/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 11/15/2024 - Interviews with short-listed Consultants
  • 11/16/2024 - Consultant recommendation to Parks and Recreation Director
  • 11/29/2024 - Contract approved by City Council
  • 12/1/2024 - Estimated start work date
  • Staff possess all applicable certifications and licensing from the State of Oregon
  • Knowledge of all applicable federal, State, and local regulations and standards
  • Experience with similar projects
  • Conduct comprehensive inventory of approximately 2,000 City Street and Park Trees
  • Document tree information including species, size, health, valuation, and maintenance needs
  • Develop updated Urban Forest Management Plan
  • Identify opportunities for expansion of the urban forest
  • Conduct community outreach pertaining to Urban Forest Management Plan
  • Assess and provide recommendations for strategic planning of trees
  • Develop implementation plan including funding sources and performance metrics
  • Create risk assessment and mitigation plan for hazardous trees
  • Estimate costs for 1, 5, and 10-year Urban Forest Management Program execution
  • Provide photo imagery of inventoried trees

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