This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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City of Royse City Comprehensive Plan

Royse City, Texas

City of Royse City

The buyer seeks a qualified firm to develop a comprehensive and downtown plan for Royse City. The plan will guide development for the next 10-20 years, addressing land use, infrastructure, transportation, and economic growth. The project includes a focus on downtown planning and community engagement. The selected consultant will analyze existing conditions, create future plans, and provide implementation strategies.

  • 10/3/2024 - Pre-Submission Meeting
  • 10/4/2024 - Deadline for written questions
  • 10/17/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/28/2024 - Interviews
  • 11/8/2024 - Notify Selected Proposer
  • 12/10/2024 - City Council Award
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a comprehensive and downtown plan with 10-20 year vision
  • Analyze existing conditions, demographics, economic trends, and land use patterns
  • Evaluate and recommend future land use plans and zoning
  • Create transportation and mobility plan for roadway and pedestrian networks
  • Assess parks, open space, and trail plans for connectivity
  • Establish goals for community facilities and infrastructure improvements
  • Develop downtown survey and plan for future expansion
  • Provide recommendations for city branding and identity
  • Create implementation and strategic plan with cost estimates
  • Coordinate public participation and stakeholder engagement

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