This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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One Click One Call Center

Tompkins County, New York

Tompkins County Planning And Sustainability

The buyer seeks proposals for a One Click One Call Center service. This center will enable residents to access all transportation services through one phone call, website, or app. The service aims to provide affordable, comprehensive, and accessible transportation options for low-income, seniors, underserved populations, and individuals with disabilities. The center will also develop and implement a Volunteer Driver Program to improve access to social determinants of health.

  • 10/9/2024 - Deadline for Questions
  • 10/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 11/1/2024 - Award Notification
  • 1/1/2025 - Program Start-Up
Refer to RFP
  • Establish and implement a one-call/one-click center with volunteer driver recruitment
  • Develop and implement a Volunteer Driver Program including recruitment
  • Work with all transportation modes to provide services for low-income and underserved
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to increase transportation modes and support programs
  • Provide ride requests, scheduling, dispatching, and program coordination

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