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Internal Verification and Validation Services for The State of Maine Constituent Portal Implementation
Department of Administrative and Financial Services
The buyer is seeking Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services for its Constituent Portal implementation project. The project aims to create a customer-centric online application for constituents to access multiple State services. The IV&V provider will review and monitor system design, development, and implementation work. They will make recommendations for project improvements and ensure project leadership is aware of issues and risks.
- 10/7/2024 - Submitted Questions Due Date
- 10/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Five years experience providing IV&V services for large governmental IT portal implementation
- Experience with U.S. based public sector (federal, state, or local government)
- Provide IV&V services for 18-month Constituent Portal implementation
- Develop IV&V management plan within 30 days of contract start
- Review project artifacts and documentation
- Deliver written status updates and quarterly assessment reports
- Track and record project risks, issues, and corrective actions
- Interview key project participants quarterly
- Assess testing plan adequacy and scope
- Ensure traceability of development and testing to business requirements
- Recommend practices to assist with needed corrections
- Provide regular communications to project leadership
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