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Performance Oversight and Access Reporting Software as a Service

Eatontown, NJ

Department Of Veterans Affairs

Buyer seeks a Software as a Service solution for Performance Oversight and Access Reporting. The system will provide data visualization and reporting to analyze healthcare services availability through the Veterans Community Care Program. It will include dashboards for Network Management and Administrative Fees Oversight. The solution must integrate multiple data sources, enable geographic mapping, and comply with VA security requirements.

  • 10/11/2024 - Questions Due
  • 10/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Configure Software as a Service tool for automated analytical reporting
  • Develop Network Management dashboard to monitor network adequacy and access
  • Develop Administrative Fees Oversight dashboard to monitor contract performance
  • Provide data architecture support for report development
  • Ensure data parsing and integration from multiple VA data sources
  • Implement secure cloud infrastructure accessible to VA users
  • Enable data visualization and geographic mapping capabilities
  • Support retroactive reporting for 6 years of historical data
  • Provide project management and regular status reporting
  • Ensure compliance with VA security and privacy requirements

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