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Staging, Rigging, Lighting, & Production Management Services
Salt Lake City, Utah
University of Utah
The buyer is seeking vendors to provide rental services and equipment for staging, rigging, lighting, and production management for various campus events. The contract will be awarded to the two lowest cost responsive and responsible vendors. Vendors must demonstrate their ability to meet the needs of different event sizes and locations on campus. The resulting contract will be for university-wide use and may be available for any university business unit or department.
- 10/10/2024 - Question Due Date
- 10/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Licensed, insured, and permitted to transport and store specified materials
- Ability to provide all equipment listed in Bid Response Form
- Provide quotes and invoices with product line items and hourly rates listed
- Provide staging equipment and services for campus events
- Offer rigging services and equipment for various event sizes
- Supply lighting equipment and technicians for university productions
- Manage production aspects of campus events
- Transport and store specified materials safely
- Provide quotes and invoices with detailed line items
- Offer additional equipment for supplemental uses
- Ensure qualified staff for different labor requirements
- Accommodate various event locations and sizes on campus
- Maintain proper licensing and insurance for equipment and services
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