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Global Positioning Monitoring System as a Condition of Bail
Kingston, Tennessee
Roane County Purchasing Department
The buyer is seeking proposals for a Global Positioning Monitoring System as a condition for bail for the Roane County Courts. The system must comply with Tennessee Code Annotated § 40-11-152 and § 55-10-426. The contractor will be responsible for fitting defendants with GPS monitors at the jail or their location. Services must be available 24/7/365 at the Roane County Jail.
- 10/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide GPS monitoring devices for defendants as condition of bail
- Install GPS devices at Roane County Jail 24/7/365
- Fit defendants with ordered monitors at their location
- Coordinate with jail booking for scheduled release times
- Offer additional services like victim notification and alcohol monitoring
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