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Wage and Compensation Study & Analysis
Kent County Road Commission
The buyer seeks a qualified consultant to review and make recommendations on its total compensation strategy, structure, and hourly and salaried ranges. The project includes conducting a thorough review of existing structures, job descriptions, and a custom benchmark total compensation survey. The buyer requires recommendations for changes to current salary ranges, a compensation strategy, and solutions for implementation. The consultant will also provide training, ongoing review processes, and assistance with stakeholder presentations.
- 10/8/2024 - Deadline to Submit Questions
- 10/10/2024 - Addendum with Answers to Questions Sent
- 10/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/22/2024 - Anticipated Recommendation to Board
- 10/28/2024 - Onsite Post-Award Meeting
- 1/31/2025 - Compensation Survey & Analysis Due
- 2/28/2025 - Compensation Strategy & Market Position Due
- Experience implementing wage administration plans for large organizations
- Experience analyzing wages and benefits and establishing benchmarks
- Experience conducting job analysis
- Experience with job evaluation models in private and public sectors
- Ability to recommend job evaluation plan(s) for all classifications
- Sufficient qualified staff to complete analysis within required timeframe
- Review existing total compensation structure and related history
- Review job descriptions to ensure accuracy and FLSA compliance
- Conduct custom benchmark total compensation survey for all classifications
- Analyze existing classification hierarchy and recommend improvements
- Provide project management expertise and periodic status reports
- Recommend compensation strategy and market position for KCRC
- Provide process for ongoing classification and salary reviews
- Advise on new compensation developments and alternative tools
- Provide training to management and key staff on new system
- Assist with presentations to various stakeholder groups
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