This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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City of Franklin Preservation Plan Update
Franklin, Tennessee
City of Franklin
The buyer seeks to comprehensively update its Preservation Plan through a public planning process. The update will be inclusive of a high level of detail across a broad scope of preservation goals. The buyer requires extensive preservation plan experience, specialized expertise, project management, public outreach, and professional photography. The project completion timeframe is expected to be 1.5 to 2 years.
- 10/3/2024 - Deadline for questions
- 10/15/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/29/2024 - Tentative date for interviews
- 12/10/2024 - Tentative date of award
Refer to RFP
- Review existing preservation program and plans
- Develop extensive community engagement program
- Conduct stakeholder meetings and public workshops
- Identify preservation planning principles and goals
- Develop neighborhood revitalization and economic development strategies
- Conduct historical research on specialized topics
- Provide recommendations for strengthening historic preservation program
- Draft initial and final preservation plan
- Provide professional photography and graphics for the plan
- Present final plan to various commissions and board for approval
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