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Energy Rebate Administrator
State Of Nevada Department Of Administration
The buyer seeks a qualified vendor to administer and implement Home Energy Rebate Programs services. The vendor will support application development, program planning, and implementation of energy rebate programs. Tasks include developing consumer protection, data access, and market transformation plans, as well as managing contractor training, rebate processing, and program reporting. The buyer aims to maximize impact of available funding and desires solutions focusing on early results and lasting effects.
- 9/30/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 10/2/2024 - Answers Posted
- 10/11/2024 - Deadline for References
- 10/14/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Support GOE in developing State Applications for DOE funding
- Develop Consumer Protection Plan for quality installations
- Create Utility Data Access Plan for collaboration with utilities
- Design Market Transformation Plan with measurable indicators
- Implement Marketing, Education & Outreach Plan targeting underserved populations
- Develop Community Benefits Plan supporting workforce and Justice40 Initiative
- Provide IT solution for rebate processing, tracking, and reporting
- Create Energy Contractor Training & Certification Plan
- Develop solution for increasing number of energy auditors
- Manage project implementation including targeted pilot program
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