This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Parking Access and Revenue Control System
Bismarck, North Dakota
Bismarck Airport
The buyer is seeking proposals for a Parking Access and Revenue Control System. The successful proposer will have 180 calendar days from the notice of award to deliver the agreed-upon system. The project aims to improve parking management and revenue collection at the airport. Proposals must be submitted to the Airport Administration Office by the specified deadline.
- 10/4/2024 - Publication Date
- 10/14/2024 - Bid Opening
- 10/14/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Design and implement parking access control system
- Develop revenue control system for parking facilities
- Install hardware for parking access points
- Configure software for revenue management
- Integrate with existing airport systems
- Provide user training for airport staff
- Implement payment processing solutions
- Design and install signage for parking areas
- Develop reporting and analytics capabilities
- Ensure compliance with local regulations
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