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Fusion Center - Clearview AI System


Alabama Department of Homeland Security

The buyer seeks to implement a Clearview AI System for their Fusion Center. This project involves integrating advanced facial recognition technology into existing law enforcement infrastructure. The system will enhance the buyer's capabilities in data analysis, information sharing, and threat identification.

  • 10/8/2024 - Solicitation Begin Date
  • 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Implement Clearview AI facial recognition system
  • Integrate system with existing fusion center infrastructure
  • Provide training for fusion center personnel on system use
  • Ensure compliance with privacy and security regulations
  • Develop protocols for system access and data management
  • Establish data sharing agreements with partner agencies
  • Create user interface for search and analysis functions
  • Implement audit trails and logging mechanisms
  • Develop reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Provide ongoing technical support and maintenance

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