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Washington County Economic Opportunity Assessment

Hillsboro, Oregon

Washington County

Buyer seeks a consultant for an Economic Opportunity Assessment Project. The project aims to identify contributions to fostering opportunity and recommend practices for effective and equitable service delivery. The consultant will collaborate with county departments and external partners to promote economic mobility for all community members. The project aligns with ongoing strategic planning efforts and the "One Washington County" reorganization process.

  • 10/7/2024 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
  • 10/7/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
  • 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 11/1/2024 - Anticipated Start Date
  • 1/30/2025 - Project Completion
Refer to RFP
  • Identify working definitions for economic opportunity, self-sufficiency, and economic mobility
  • Crosswalk existing plans and studies related to economic opportunity
  • Conduct interviews and focus groups with County staff members
  • Identify services contributing to community's access to economic mobility
  • Develop framework for County services contributing to economic opportunity

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