This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Town of Monument Electronic Records Management System Project 2024
Monument, Colorado
Town of Monument
Buyer seeks proposals for an Electronic Records Management System. The system should provide public access, user permissions, advanced searching, legal holds, and mobile compatibility. It must enable capture and ingest of records, implement automated retention and disposition processes, and provide integrated workflows. The system should also include redaction and markup capabilities.
- 10/4/2024 - Deadline to submit questions
- 10/9/2024 - Responses to questions posted
- 10/11/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 11/18/2024 - Expected recommendation date
Refer to RFP
- Implement an Electronic Records Management System
- Provide public access platform for select records
- Implement variable access control and user permissions
- Enable custom searches and advanced searching capabilities
- Implement legal hold functionality
- Provide mobile device compatibility
- Enable capture and ingest of records with metadata
- Implement automated retention and disposition processes
- Provide integrated workflows and business process automation
- Implement redaction and markup capabilities
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