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Disaster Recovery Coordinator
Ruidoso, NM
Village of Ruidoso
The buyer is seeking a Disaster Recovery Coordinator to assist with disaster recovery efforts. The consultant will develop recovery plans, coordinate with agencies, manage projects and funding, and provide expertise. The contract is for an initial one-year term with options to renew for up to three additional years. The consultant will work closely with the buyer on disaster recovery related to the South Fork Disaster and previous disasters.
- 10/3/2024 - Deadline to Submit Questions
- 10/7/2024 - Response to Written Questions
- 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop and implement disaster recovery plans
- Coordinate with FEMA and other agencies on disaster recovery efforts
- Manage disaster-related projects and funding
- Provide disaster recovery consulting and expertise
- Assist with documentation and reporting for disaster recovery
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