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School Zone Signage Installation Project
New Milford, CT
Town of New Milford
The buyer is seeking a qualified construction firm to install school zone signage and flashing beacons on local and state roadways. The project involves assembling and installing various signage assemblies at multiple school locations. The contractor will be responsible for traffic control and must comply with relevant installation standards. The buyer will provide all materials, while the contractor will supply labor, equipment, and traffic control services.
- 9/30/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
- 10/3/2024 - Question Response Deadline
- 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of five years experience performing similar work for municipalities or Conn-DOT
- Install school zone signs and flashing beacons on local and state roadways
- Assemble and install various signage assemblies according to specifications
- Provide maintenance and protection of traffic during installation
- Coordinate with Department of Public Works on project execution
- Comply with MUTCD, Conn-DOT, and Town of New Milford installation standards
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