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Long-Term Social Media Archiving Solution

Salem, OR

Oregon Secretary of State

The buyer seeks a long-term social media archiving solution to capture and preserve social media records produced by statewide elected officials. The solution must enable electronic records capture, maintenance, analysis, retention, and transfer. The buyer requires software, implementation services, training, and ongoing support for this project. Security, disaster recovery, and compliance with records management regulations are essential components.

  • 10/1/2024 - Pre-offer Conference
  • 10/2/2024 - Questions/Requests for Clarification Due
  • 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • Demonstrate established product with proven track record of similar implementations
  • Have current customers for substantially similar services
  • Capture and preserve social media records from statewide elected officials
  • Provide software for social media archiving
  • Implement social media capture solution
  • Provide training and staff support
  • Maintain and manage archived social media data
  • Enable analysis and reporting of archived data
  • Ensure security and disaster recovery for archived data
  • Allow for retention and disposal of electronic records
  • Enable transfer of archived data for long-term preservation
  • Provide ongoing customer support and system maintenance

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