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State Route 75 (Suncrest Drive) Corridor Study

Johnson City, Tennessee

City of Johnson City

Buyer seeks a qualified consulting firm to perform a corridor study for State Route 75 (Suncrest Drive) and the surrounding Gray community. The study aims to identify current and future transportation needs due to recent growth and increased traffic. The project involves developing improvement strategies, conducting public engagement, and creating a phased implementation plan. The study will be funded by federal Consolidated Planning Grant funds and managed by the Johnson City MTPO.

  • 10/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
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  • Develop project schedule and manage tasks like invoicing and status reporting
  • Document existing conditions, plans, studies and data for the corridor
  • Develop alternative improvement strategies and evaluation criteria
  • Create phased implementation plan with project scopes, timeframes, and cost estimates
  • Conduct comprehensive public involvement process
  • Coordinate study among public agency stakeholders
  • Produce summary document with process, implementation strategy, and recommendations

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