This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Replacement Press for Printing & Publication Services

Worcester, MA

Worcester State University

Buyer is seeking proposals for replacing an old offset press with a new 2-color Ryobi RMGT 340HA-2 offset press for their Publication & Printing Services. The project includes removal of the old press, installation of the new one, and provision of maintenance services. Buyer requires a 5-year lease agreement with a $1.00 buyout option at the end of the term. The successful offeror must provide all necessary labor, materials, tools, and equipment for the project.

  • 9/24/2024 - Documents Available
  • 9/30/2024 - Pre-RFP Conference Call
  • 10/9/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Remove old 2-color Ryobi 3302 H offset press
  • Install and set up new 2-color Ryobi RMGT 340HA-2 offset press
  • Provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for press replacement
  • Offer maintenance services for the new press as required
  • Facilitate 5-year lease with $1.00 buyout at end of term

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