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Manhattan Diversion Court Evaluation Services
New York, NY
New York State Unified Court System
The buyer seeks proposals for evaluation services for the Manhattan Diversion Court. The project aims to expand the number of adult felony drug court participants with substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders. The evaluator will design and implement an evaluation plan, collect required data, prepare reports, and provide ongoing feedback. The project term is from October 15, 2024 to September 29, 2029.
- 9/10/2024 - Issue Date
- 10/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- At least three years of experience performing relevant services
- Design process and outcome evaluation plan
- Develop evaluation instruments to collect required data
- Review databases to ensure necessary data collection
- Assist with data collection for quality assurance
- Ensure data collection for GPRA reporting
- Track participants for GPRA outcome data collection
- Prepare quarterly and annual evaluation reports
- Complete required reports for SAMHSA
- Provide ongoing feedback for continuous improvement
- Produce final program evaluation report
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