This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Gap Analysis for System Conversion

New Haven, CT

Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of the City of New Haven

Buyer is seeking a qualified firm to perform a GAP Analysis for system conversion. The project involves analyzing current systems, identifying gaps, and proposing recommendations for improvement. Buyer requires attendance at a pre-proposal conference and submission of proposals through their Vendor Collaboration Portal. The analysis will support the buyer's efforts to upgrade and optimize their systems.

  • 9/26/2024 - Pre-proposal Conference
  • 9/27/2024 - Q/A Cutoff
  • 10/7/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Perform a GAP analysis for system conversion
  • Attend pre-proposal conference
  • Review current systems and processes
  • Identify gaps between current and desired state
  • Develop recommendations for system improvements
  • Create a detailed report of findings and suggestions
  • Present analysis results to stakeholders
  • Propose implementation strategy for system conversion
  • Assess potential risks and challenges in conversion process
  • Provide timeline estimates for system conversion phases

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