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Support and Maintenance for ALTRO VM Backup


Consumer Protection and Government Services

The buyer is seeking support and maintenance services for their ALTRO VM Backup system. The project involves ensuring the proper functioning of data backup and recovery processes. The supplier will be responsible for system updates, performance monitoring, and technical support related to VM backup operations.

  • 10/3/2024 - Publication Date
  • 10/7/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide support and maintenance for ALTRO VM Backup system
  • Ensure data backup and recovery processes are functioning properly
  • Perform regular system updates and patches
  • Monitor backup performance and resolve any issues
  • Conduct periodic system health checks
  • Provide technical support for VM backup-related inquiries
  • Optimize backup schedules and retention policies
  • Assist with disaster recovery planning and testing
  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations
  • Generate regular reports on backup status and system performance

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