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Destination Market Analysis and Strategic Plan
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Buyer seeks qualifications from firms with significant experience in research, analysis, and creation of a comprehensive destination market analysis and five-year strategic plan for the Hattiesburg, Mississippi market. The project aims to support continued recovery efforts from COVID-19 impacts. Buyer intends to develop a long-term tourism strategy with clear, measurable goals for the next 5 years driven by market research and national benchmarking standards.
- 9/13/2024 - Notice of Intent to Bid Deadline
- 9/20/2024 - Questions Deadline
- 9/25/2024 - Answers Posted
- 10/4/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop a 5-year strategic tourism master plan with measurable goals
- Conduct visitor profile research for peak and non-peak visitation
- Perform gap analysis of tourism infrastructure and recommend enhancements
- Analyze lodging industry and identify opportunities for growth
- Estimate annual visitation and compare to similar destinations
- Evaluate feasibility of new hotel developments
- Analyze key visitor data and spending patterns
- Outline required resources for goal achievement
- Identify key gaps in destination's portfolio or offerings
- Segment visitors beyond demographics to understand behaviors and preferences
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