This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Marketing Services for Travel Dundee

$3,000 a month, with up to $48,000 available for advertisements and other expenses
Dundee, Oregon

City of Dundee

The buyer is seeking proposals for marketing services to enhance visibility and promote Dundee as a premier travel destination. The buyer is located in the heart of Oregon Wine Country, known for producing some of the best Pinot Noir. The selected contractor will develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy, manage social media, create PR initiatives, and oversee advertising placement. The buyer aims to realize the community's vision as outlined in Destination Dundee, A Community Vision.

  • 9/18/2024 - Deadline for Clarifications or Protest
  • 9/25/2024 - Deadline for Addenda
  • 10/4/2024 - Proposal Opening
  • 10/4/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/15/2024 - Council Approval
  • 11/4/2024 - Commencement of contract
Refer to RFP
  • Develop annual marketing strategy aligned with City of Dundee's goals
  • Lead implementation of marketing strategy and optimize throughout the year
  • Create and execute quarterly PR initiatives
  • Develop detailed social media plan with post themes and ideas
  • Lead digital and print advertising placement, managing $48,000 annual budget
  • Develop and launch quarterly marketing campaigns
  • Attend monthly tourism committee meetings to report on marketing efforts
  • Work with freelance creative director for content creation and copywriting
  • Craft comprehensive marketing strategy for the fiscal year
  • Monitor and report on campaign performance

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