This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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State House Geotechnical Services
Montpelier, Vermont
Buildings and General Services
Buyer is seeking geotechnical engineering services for a new addition, atrium, and multi-level stair structure at the State House. The project involves conducting soil borings, testing, and analysis to provide foundation recommendations. The contractor will prepare a detailed geotechnical report and review construction documents. The work includes coordination with various stakeholders and consideration of site constraints.
- 9/4/2024 - Bidders Conference
- 9/20/2024 - Questions Due
- 10/4/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Perform geotechnical engineering services for new addition, atrium, and multi-level stair structure
- Propose quantity, location, and depth of borings and test pits
- Conduct standard penetration testing (SPT) split spoon sampling
- Provide written geotechnical report with foundation recommendations
- Coordinate borings with drilling contractor, DigSafe, and BGS
- Perform GPR or underground mapping efforts
- Provide soil testing and develop geotechnical recommendations
- Review foundation design on construction drawings and specifications
- Develop drilling plan for approval
- Provide seismic geotechnical site information
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