This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Professional Learning Management System

Allentown, PA

Allentown School District

The buyer seeks proposals for a comprehensive Professional Learning Management System (PLMS) for administration, organization, and creation of professional learning. The system must facilitate learning and foster collaboration among all district employees. It should be flexible, scalable, and meet the district's future planning, implementation, operational, and reporting needs. The buyer requires a secure, web-based solution with 24-hour access and compatibility across various devices.

  • 10/4/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Implement a comprehensive Professional Learning Management System (PLMS)
  • Provide secure environment for computerized files and data
  • Develop platform configurations for approval by the district
  • Manage user identification information collaboratively
  • Provide hierarchical username management utility
  • Schedule and deploy system updates in a consistent manner
  • Provide training and resources for each group involved with the system
  • Offer emergency support for system issues
  • Provide dedicated Account Manager and support channels
  • Conduct annual on-site or virtual planning meetings

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