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Website Design for CSDTV
Canyons School District
The buyer seeks a qualified website designer to create a responsive, user-friendly website for their CSDTV platform. The site will serve as a hub for streaming educational content, school events, and other multimedia resources. The project requires integration with Cablecast API, advanced search capabilities, and various features for video display and navigation. The buyer emphasizes the importance of backend content management, website functionality, and ongoing support.
- 9/19/2024 - Issue Date
- 9/27/2024 - Questions Deadline
- 10/3/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Create responsive, user-friendly website to display CSDTV platform videos
- Implement Cablecast API integration for video data display
- Develop browse by category feature with hierarchy
- Create powerful video search functionality
- Design video page with sharing capabilities
- Implement PDF agenda viewing option
- Develop program chapter advance feature
- Create TV schedule display for multiple channels
- Implement Live TV streaming page
- Ensure ADA compliance and accessibility
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