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FY25 Solarwinds Dameware Remote Everywhere Subscriptions
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Department of Commerce
The buyer is seeking 15 subscription licenses for Dameware Remote Everywhere (DRE). These licenses are intended for the help desk and Infrastructure Team to remotely access users' computers while working remotely. The solicitation is specifically for MBE dealers who are on the CDW STS 534605 contract or offer this item on an existing state contract. The buyer requires competitive pricing and adherence to State Standard Terms and Conditions.
- 9/27/2024 - Begin Date
- 10/1/2024 - Inquiry End Date
- 10/2/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Must have an active MBE certification
- Must be on CDW STS 534605 contract or offer item on existing state contract
- Must be an MBE supplier
- Provide 15 subscription licenses for Dameware Remote Everywhere (DRE)
- Enable help desk and Infrastructure Team to remote into users' computers
- Ensure compatibility with CDW STS 534605 contract
- Offer pricing at or lower than existing contract pricing
- Complete the required grid as the primary response for evaluation
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