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FY 2025 Rio Reimagined Active Transportation Study
Maricopa Association of Governments
The buyer is seeking consultant services to prepare an active transportation study for the 'Rio Reimagined' study area. The study will provide a coordinated vision of a multi-use path and connectivity across jurisdictions. It will recommend a river path alignment and connections to enhance mobility and accessibility for active transportation modes. The project aims to support transportation, recreation, land use, and economic development activities envisioned by the Rio Reimagined initiative.
- 9/18/2024 - Questions Due
- 9/24/2024 - Responses to Questions Posted
- 10/2/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 1/15/2025 - Anticipated Notice to Proceed
- Develop Project Management Plan
- Conduct community and stakeholder outreach and engagement
- Analyze existing conditions, opportunities and constraints
- Develop vision, goals, and objectives
- Evaluate path alignments and connectivity alternatives
- Develop implementation and funding strategies
- Prepare final report and executive summary
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