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Peer Counseling Services
Elizabethtown, New York
Essex County Board of Supervisors
Buyer is seeking qualified consultants to provide Peer Counseling Services to support, encourage and educate pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The contract will be for one year with an option to renew for two additional years. Services include providing basic breastfeeding information, maintaining contact with WIC clients, and being available for support outside normal clinic hours. Strict confidentiality and accurate record-keeping are required.
- 10/2/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Has breastfed a child or is currently breastfeeding
- Attend peer counselor training provided by Essex County Health WIC Program
- Maintain contact with WIC pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Provide basic breastfeeding information and support at clinics
- Be available by telephone outside normal WIC clinic hours
- Maintain strict confidentiality and keep accurate records
- Refer mothers to WIC breastfeeding coordinators as needed
- Attend continuing education in breastfeeding
- Provide support for special breastfeeding projects when requested
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