This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Esri 2024 Tech Consulting
Jefferson City, MO
Missouri National Guard
Buyer seeks consulting support to update ArcGIS Enterprise from 10.9.1 to the latest fully supported release. The project includes on-site and remote technical assistance for installation, configuration, and management of the ArcGIS platform. Buyer requires help with various aspects of ArcGIS implementation including database administration, imagery management, and web GIS deployment.
- 9/24/2024 - Start Date
- 10/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Update ArcGIS Enterprise from 10.9.1 to latest supported release
- Provide technical assistance with ArcGIS platform installation
- Assist with future upgrade strategy
- Support ArcGIS Enterprise and Portal management
- Assist with database administration
- Help with imagery management
- Configure Esri's Mobile Apps and Portal applications
- Enhance Web Map Viewer applications
- Configure ArcGIS Enterprise for web GIS deployment patterns
- Provide ad-hoc remote consulting support
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