This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Economic Development Grants
Office of Economic and Workforce Development
The buyer is seeking proposals for economic development grants to implement a comprehensive daily safety presence in the Union Square and Yerba Buena neighborhoods of San Francisco. The program aims to enhance safety for visitors, businesses, cultural institutions, and public spaces. Grantees will develop and implement safety plans, coordinate with stakeholders, deploy safety ambassadors, and track program metrics. The buyer intends to award multiple grants to cover two distinct but coordinated geographic areas.
- 9/11/2024 - Technical Assistance Conference
- 9/24/2024 - Deadline for submission of written questions
- 9/27/2024 - Final Q&A posting
- 9/30/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Be a nonprofit 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(6) organization
- Be in good standing with IRS, California Secretary of State, and Registry of Charitable Trusts
- Not be debarred or suspended from participation in local, State or Federal programs
- Have physical location within Union Square and/or Yerba Buena neighborhoods
- Develop detailed safety plan for Union Square or Yerba Buena neighborhoods
- Establish coordination mechanisms with alternate area awardee and City agencies
- Deploy and oversee safety ambassadors in designated area
- Provide training on de-escalation and referrals to ambassadors
- Manage grant requirements including programmatic and financial reporting
- Coordinate with law enforcement and community stakeholders
- Develop public communication strategy about the program
- Track and report safety and administrative metrics monthly
- Conduct regular stakeholder surveys on program effectiveness
- Establish shared dispatch services between areas if applicable
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