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Girls Leadership Index Analysis and Report Development
Plan International
Buyer seeks a consultant to analyze and develop a narrative report for the Girls Leadership Index 2024. The project involves reviewing data, extracting key findings, and creating a visually appealing summary report. The consultant will conduct secondary research, draft an executive summary, and design infographics to effectively communicate results. The final deliverable will be a concise, well-structured report with integrated visual elements.
- 9/29/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/20/2024 - First draft submission
- 10/31/2024 - Full report submission
- Proven experience in qualitative research and report writing
- Familiarity with data analysis and interpretation
- Strong analytical skills
- Good communication skills (visualize, illustration and design)
- Experience working with international development organizations
- Review and analyze GLI data, extracting key findings
- Conduct secondary research to support significant data changes
- Draft executive summary and full report reflecting research objectives
- Develop infographics to visualize key concepts and findings
- Design and integrate graphic elements throughout the report
- Ensure high quality and professional design of all visuals
- Produce a concise, well-structured narrative report in English
- Package full narrative report with improved readability and aesthetics
- Embed infographics and visual aids to illustrate key findings
- Analyze changes and trends in girls' leadership across seven domains
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