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Mobile Narcotic Treatment Program / Opioid Treatment Program
$1,000,000 total, approximately $500,000 per applicant
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
The buyer seeks to expand coverage of opioid treatment program services in underserved and high-need geographic areas of Wisconsin. The buyer intends to award funds to organizations able to provide mobile medication-assisted treatment services. The program aims to address the ongoing opioid epidemic by bringing treatment to underserved areas. The buyer plans to make awards to approximately two applicants for a one-year contract period.
- 7/1/2024 - Contract Start Date
- 8/29/2024 - Written Questions Due
- 9/9/2024 - Responses to Questions Posted
- 9/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/28/2024 - Notification of Intent to Award
- Current Wis. Admin. Code chs. DHS 75.50 and 75.59 certification
- Minimum two years of previous experience providing OTP services
- For-profit agency or non-profit 501(c)(3) agency certified as DHS 75.50 and 75.59 service
- Develop and implement a mobile narcotic treatment program/opioid treatment program
- Provide medication-assisted treatment services in underserved areas
- Offer all three forms of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Distribute naloxone to patients
- Provide substance use disorder counseling and co-occurring mental health treatment
- Engage and identify individuals requiring services
- Collaborate with community partners
- Develop a plan for program sustainability beyond the funding period
- Address potential medication diversion or misuse
- Provide recovery support services including certified peer specialists or recovery coaches
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