This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Communications & Marketing Services
Old Saybrook, CT
Connecticut Port Authority
Buyer seeks communications and marketing services to enhance its competitive position in the maritime industry. The selected firm will provide public communications, creative services, and digital media management. Buyer requires assistance with strategic messaging, media relations, content development, and social media growth. The contract will support the buyer's economic development and supply chain strategies for Connecticut's ports and waterfront facilities.
- 8/23/2024 - RFP Released
- 9/6/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 9/13/2024 - Responses to Questions
- 9/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Plan and execute strategic public relations
- Develop content for printed and digital materials
- Manage and maintain Authority website
- Create and grow social media presence
- Provide media relations counsel
- Plan and execute press and public events
- Conduct media and spokesperson training
- Advise on cost-effective advertising and marketing approaches
- Attend public meetings of the Board of Directors
- Seek and place feature stories across news outlets
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