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College Place Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
College Place, Washington
City of College Place
The buyer seeks a consultant to develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the City of College Place. The project involves analyzing economic data, conducting market analysis, and creating strategic plans for economic growth. The consultant will work closely with local partners and submit the final CEDS to the Economic Development Administration.
- 9/10/2024 - RFQ Release Date
- 9/20/2024 - Q&A Period Ends
- 9/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop CEDS to guide economic growth
- Collect regional economic data
- Perform market analysis identifying economic opportunities
- Conduct SWOT analysis of regional and local assets
- Develop economic resilience strategies
- Create strategic direction and action plan
- Establish performance measures to gauge progress
- Coordinate with tribal community and regional partners
- Submit progress and financial reports to EDA
- Work with local economic development organizations
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