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Town of Belmont Comprehensive Plan
Belmont, Massachusetts
Town of Belmont
Buyer seeks a qualified consultant to develop a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Belmont. The plan will have a 15-year horizon and include extensive community engagement. Buyer requires innovative approaches to public participation, consensus building, and implementation planning. The consultant will work closely with town staff and community members throughout the 20-month process.
- 9/10/2024 - Remote briefing session
- 9/13/2024 - Deadline for questions
- 9/26/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Completed multiple projects with innovative public engagement opportunities
- Experience working with communities with conflicting interests
- Experience with strategic planning, systems analysis, and scenario planning frameworks
- Demonstrable record of success in completing municipal-wide Comprehensive Plans
- Develop a comprehensive plan with a 15-year planning horizon
- Create a community engagement plan with equity and inclusion approach
- Conduct scenario testing and growth analysis
- Develop vision statements and topic-based recommendations
- Create an implementation plan with action steps and indicators
- Design a webpage for tracking plan progress
- Produce a final comprehensive plan document with appendices
- Establish a re-evaluation schedule and guidance
- Present to public, boards, and commissions throughout the process
- Incorporate feedback and obtain final approval from Planning Board
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