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Website Design and Maintenance

Portland, OR

Oregon Forest Resources Institute

Buyer seeks a contractor for website design and maintenance services. The project involves maintaining multiple existing websites, designing new websites as needed, and providing ongoing support. Services include working with Drupal and Wordpress CMS, optimizing assets, developing interactive features, and providing analytics. The contract term is three years with options to renew up to five years.

  • 9/5/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference Video Call
  • 9/13/2024 - Questions / Requests for Clarification Due
  • 9/26/2024 - Closing (Proposal Due)
  • 9/26/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 8 years' experience creating and maintaining websites
  • Created 3 complete websites within the last 5 years
  • Experience creating websites in Drupal and Wordpress CMS
  • Maintain multiple existing websites using Drupal and Wordpress CMS
  • Design and program new websites as needed
  • Optimize graphic assets for websites
  • Develop new content elements including streaming video and interactive features
  • Provide website hosting services
  • Establish and maintain Google Analytics for all sites
  • Provide monthly analytics reports
  • Assist in planning and design of future websites

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