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Explosive Intelligence Reporting
New York City, NY
New York City Police Department
Buyer is seeking a contractor to provide Explosive Tradecraft Intelligence Reporting Services. The service will aggregate and analyze open source information across multiple platforms and languages globally. The focus is on gathering intelligence related to Explosive Tradecraft. The project is subject to HireNYC and M/WBE Local Law 1. Proposals must be submitted via the PASSPort digital procurement platform.
- 9/25/2024 - Release Date
- 9/25/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Aggregate open source information across multiple platforms
- Analyze open source information in multiple languages
- Provide global coverage of Explosive Tradecraft intelligence
- Deliver regular intelligence reports on Explosive Tradecraft
- Identify emerging trends in explosive materials and techniques
- Monitor social media for explosive-related discussions
- Translate foreign language sources related to explosives
- Assess credibility of explosive-related intelligence
- Provide real-time alerts on critical explosive threats
- Develop custom intelligence briefings for law enforcement
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