This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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City of Golden Valley Business and Strategic Planning Consultant
Golden Valley, Minnesota
City of Golden Valley
Buyer seeks a consultant to guide a two-phase business analysis and strategic planning process. The consultant will conduct a business operations analysis for all city departments and create a comprehensive strategic plan. The strategic plan will guide the city over the next 3-5 years and transform existing goals into achievable targets. The project aims to evaluate the city's ability to meet service demands and assess long-term goals.
- 9/3/2024 - RFP Issue Date
- 9/13/2024 - Questions Due
- 9/18/2024 - Responses to Questions Posted
- 9/25/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Conduct business operations analysis for all city departments
- Evaluate city's ability to meet service demands and goals
- Develop comprehensive strategic plan for next 3-5 years
- Transform existing goals into achievable targets with timelines
- Assess long-term goals and forecast resources needed
- Incorporate city's mission, vision, values, and equity plan
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