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Site Inspection for Nome AAOF
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Buyer is soliciting proposals for a site inspection at the Nome Army Aviation Operating Facility in Nome, Alaska. The work involves investigating potential contamination from an unknown void encountered during a previous inspection. Buyer requires qualified environmental professionals to conduct soil borings, install groundwater monitoring wells, perform sampling and analysis, and prepare a comprehensive site inspection report. The project aims to determine the source and type of contamination at the site.
- 9/16/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
- 9/24/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/7/2024 - Anticipated Contract Issue Date
- Four-year degree in environmental science or related field
- One year professional experience in contaminated site characterization and cleanup
- Qualified Environmental Professional as defined by Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- Perform site inspection at Nome Army Aviation Operating Facility
- Conduct ground-penetrating radar survey to identify subsurface anomalies
- Dig 5-7 soil borings and take 2-4 samples per borehole
- Install 3-4 temporary groundwater monitoring wells
- Analyze soil and groundwater samples for contaminants
- Prepare site inspection report with findings and recommendations
- Manage and dispose of all investigation-derived waste
- Survey locations and elevations of new monitoring wells
- Develop data management system for field and laboratory data
- Obtain all required access rights and permits for site activities
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