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LINX Transit Scheduling and Dispatch System
Lebanon, Oregon
LINX Transit
Buyer seeks information from transit technology vendors to prepare for a future RFP. The goal is to design and implement a scheduling and dispatching software program and equipment to improve operational efficiencies. Buyer operates three modes of service and has experienced significant growth in demand. The system should improve ride request management, integrate new technologies, and accommodate different service modes.
- 9/2/2024 - Issue Date
- 9/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Design and implement scheduling and dispatching software
- Improve ride request call management
- Integrate stop annunciators and digital signage for buses
- Provide tablets for driver schedules
- Implement phone system integration
- Minimize two-way radio communication
- Allow human override capabilities for ride assignments
- Develop end-user app
- Create unified system for demand response and deviated fixed route services
- Provide customer service and support
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