This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Recruiting Programmatic Advertising Services

Salt Lake City, Utah

Utah Transit Authority

The buyer is seeking proposals for Recruiting Programmatic Advertisement solutions. The buyer needs intuitive software to assist in identifying suitable candidates through strategic placement of job advertisements using a programmatic tool. The tool will be used on an as-needed basis to enhance the buyer's job advertising and distribution efforts. The buyer plans to advertise around 300-500 openings yearly through programmatic means. The contract will be for a one-year period with options to extend for four additional one-year periods.

  • 8/30/2024 - Issue Request for Proposals
  • 9/9/2024 - Deadline to submit Questions
  • 9/16/2024 - Last day for UTA to issue addenda
  • 9/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide programmatic recruiting advertisement solutions
  • Scrape UTA's career website and promote positions
  • Use AI and human touch to effectively promote positions
  • Implement pay-per-apply cost format for job postings
  • Provide easy reporting on position performance by ad type
  • Distribute job postings across multiple job sites
  • Integrate with UTA's job posting system
  • Analyze job descriptions to determine appropriate distribution channels
  • Implement social media strategies for job distribution
  • Provide monthly billing with detailed posting and expenditure information

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