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Emergency Management Consultant Services

Columbia, Missouri

County of Boone, Missouri

The buyer is seeking a consultant to provide comprehensive emergency management services on an on-call/as-needed basis. Services include general emergency planning, mitigation, response, and recovery services. The consultant will assist with crisis communications, disaster planning, continuity of operations, pandemic planning, evacuation planning, and long-term post-disaster community recovery support. The buyer requires expertise in emergency management accreditation and strategic planning.

  • 8/23/2024 - Virtual Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 9/17/2024 - Question Due Date
  • 9/20/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • Experience with local governments in providing comprehensive emergency management services
  • Authorized to do business in the State of Missouri
  • At least three comparable projects completed within the past five years
  • Provide comprehensive emergency management services on an on-call/as-needed basis
  • Develop and maintain Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans
  • Assist with strategic preparedness policy planning
  • Provide crisis communications and emergency alert support
  • Assist with disaster planning and management
  • Develop continuation of operations and disaster recovery plans
  • Provide pandemic planning and management support
  • Assist with evacuation planning and management
  • Conduct hazard mitigation planning
  • Provide disaster response and long-term community recovery support

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