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Professional Consulting Services for Heritage Tourism Master Plan
Paterson, New Jersey
County of Passaic
The buyer is seeking professional consulting services to update its Heritage Tourism Master Plan. The project aims to review the current plan, identify marketing strategies, provide market research, develop tourism recommendations, and create a management tool for future programs. The consultant will reevaluate transportation and wayfinding strategies, research target markets, and prepare additional recommendations to enhance the county's tourism program.
- 9/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Experience on at least two similar projects within past five years
- At least one project approved by State Historic Preservation Office or similar authority
- Review and update current Heritage Tourism Master Plan
- Identify marketing strategies for local engagement and increasing visitation
- Provide market research on tourism benefits to Passaic County
- Develop recommendations for further tourism initiatives
- Provide a management tool to guide future tourism programs
- Reevaluate transportation infrastructure and mobility strategies
- Reevaluate County's Wayfinding program and provide recommendations
- Research target markets for cultural heritage tourism impacts
- Identify tourism initiatives, programs and projects for next 5 years
- Prepare additional recommendations to enhance County's tourism program
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